
All photos by: Lesley D Onstott


Challenge: Use mobile phone technology to connect affordable eye care services to the 2.5 billion people who suffer from poor vision, yet lack access to corrective treatment. 

Those who due to poor or no vision are excluded from education employment and community engagement. Those with visual impairments are:

  • 3x more likely to be unemployed

  • 3x more likely to suffer from depression & anxiety

  • Are an economic stress to their families and communities.

Role: Co-created, led and produced initial field test in Beni Suef, Egypt, 2015

Team: Mick Ebeling, Director; Tamer Makary, Advisor

Overall Hypotheses: Sight: Not Impossible will act as the connective tissue between NGOs and those needing vision care. Utilizing mobile phones, a series of events will ultimately provide corrective treatment to individuals who are otherwise unidentified and located by NGOs that have resources to provide care. 

Thus, the supply and demand will be connected via this platform that will provide an effective and cost efficient way to locate, diagnose and provide scheduling of affordable and accessible treatment, all driven by existing mobile phone technology.

Process | MVP + Field Test:

Hypotheses: People who hear about free eye care services through push texts will take advantage of and trust these services. The phone can thus be utilized as a tool to connect individuals who otherwise have limited access to eye care to the treatment they need. The phone will additionally act as a tool of communication to ensure follow through of treatment.  

MVP: A pared down version of the platform’s first phase: Geo-targeted push texts alerted people of an upcoming and free, pop-up eye care clinic in their town. A pop-up eye clinic in the center of town provided free screenings and treatment to anyone who attended.

Field Test: In Bani Suef, a small town a couple of hours outside of Cairo, phone subscribers received two push texts, on 19 and 22 December 2015. The text alerted recipients that a free, pop-up eye care clinic in the center of town would be available to anyone who attended. For those who have difficulty seeing, a link to a recorded message was included in the text.

After a low response to the first text, personal phone numbers of Magrabi Foundation employees were added to the second text, resulting in a surge in response.

On 23 December 2015, Magrabi Foundation--the foundational arm of Middle East based eyeglass manufacturer Magrabi--provided the free clinic that offered exams and resulting treatment (eye glasses, medication or cataract surgery) as needed. 

Those who needed treatment received updates and next steps in the form of texts and recorded voice messages. 


575 People Attended and Received a Free Comprehensive Eye Exam

• 45 Cataract Referrals

• 264 Free Eyeglasses

• 104 Free Medication