
Hello there.

Indulging in a little about myself:

Over the past 10+ years, I have worked across social impact design, photojournalism, documentary + narrative film.

The roles shift slightly, but I am best when I bring together elements of each and apply them across research, design and communications to support the driving motivation: address issues of access and inequality by creating awareness of and inclusive, sustainable solutions to address foundational causes that overcome or break down impediments to preferred presents and futures.

In every project, I believe in and strive to nurture:

  • Cross-disciplinary collaboration that leads to impactful and inclusive design leading to sustainable, scalable solutions

  • Thorough, multi-faceted, creative, design-led research from the beginning that is presented to teams in narrative and resonating ways to drive insightful outcomes

  • Application of system thinking and design to the challenge or opportunity of focus

  • Prioritization of authentic participatory design

  • Fluid communication between all stakeholders staying intact throughout the project’s lifecycle 

  • Thoughtful inclusion of all stakeholders including individuals, the environment, wildlife

  • Developing creative, multimedia storytelling and experiences that raise awareness of the issue and design outcome for broader audiences, spurring understanding, empathy and action

  • Create authentic relationships that help me better understand, empathize and share

  • Lots and lots and lots of empathy, lots and lots of humility and lots of mind-expanding learning

I am endlessly seeking new, interesting and challenging projects where I can:

  • Conduct multi-faceted design research, leading up to and continuing through a project’s lifecycle

  • Ensure this research is conveyed to design teams in narrative-driven, relatable and immersive ways

  • Employ design and systems thinking with cross-disciplinary teams

  • Develop communication strategies to ensure successful implementation of the design solution

  • Develop unique, engaging experiences and multimedia that shares the issue and solution with broader audiences in order to spur action and awareness

Parsons School of Design, The New School // MFA - Transdisciplinary Design | May 2022

University of Georgia // B.A. Journalism - Photojournalism // B.A. International Affairs // French Minor // African Studies Certificate | 2009

Hostile Environment & Emergency First Aid Training | 2017

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